Master, Mahatma Ram Chandraji Maharaj Says:

"While Welcoming the Mankind for the Spirituality and for practical experiences"

He declares -

"The end of Religion is the

beginning of Spirituality.

The end of Spirituality is the

beginning of Reality.

The end of Reality is the

Real Bliss.

When that too is gone

We have reached the

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Views about Master, Method, Meditation (Part 15)


43. Nature

44. Is it essential for a practitioner

45. The Essence

46. Origin of ways of worship


Nature is beauty. It has expressed itself with principles, laws, rules and regulation and aesthetics in its manifestation .The purpose of Natures manifestation though present in all its existence, is Silent and Un Seen Spectator in its process

It is systematic as a science and for the results
It is a great form of Art rather Art is born out of it.
It is Beauty by itself
It is the source of music which is born out of its silence.
It is the source of Principles, laws, rules and regulation and right and wrongs.
It is the form of metaphysics expressions, compassion, merciful, bountiful, bliss, and Love, wonder, etc., etc., etc.,

The further metaphysics form of expressions called Energy, Velocity, Force, Thrust, Strength, Size, Shape, Hue, Colour and Shade, Dimension, Plane, state and status.
The still further more core essential mystic expressions of nature is Darkness, Light, Silence, and Sound, Space and Time and Directions, finiteness, expansiveness and Infinite.
Still those above expressions of existences are governed by the Natures principles and Purpose and By Nature itself.

The Human is core essence Form of Natures Expression.

The Human expression of present day is through Writing, which is expressed itself with principles, laws, rules and regulations and aesthetics in its manifestation and the purpose is as silent and unseen spectator in the process of scripting of expression by utilizing language.

The Writer is the one who understands the purpose of expression and the Writing Principles and purpose of writing and script the things as they are.

The Reader is the one who understood the Principles of Writings and Writers as well their purpose and his purpose of reading, reads as they are and understands it as it is meant.

If we look back to the above expressions the same natural principles and laws are governing the every existence and its expressions.

These are the basics and fundamentals of all.

The present day communication mode called writing has conditioned the human being of its existence and continuity of its existence to such an extent that the human lost the sight of natural way of communication which he was bestowed by the nature.

It is evident even for the matters pertaining to spirit and divine has to be through the medium of writing as designated and demarcated form of verbatim, further depending upon the geographical verbs utilization of the language. It has created such a mind set which can
not accommodate a slightest change use of the language. Hence it is imperative for the Divine to learn the language of the seeker and express as he wishes.
And the Pure Divine has to Express as expressed in the scriptures and to be tallied exactly with the scriptures and He should establish the theory and principles and laws of Divine through language and in a script proper form. The problem is The Pure Divine not consulted these conditioned mind sets prior to coming into existence.

Is it possible for any holy scripture to contain Him through the language and by its volumes? When that subject matter is of spirit and Pure divine which can only be experienced and found in your own heart silently and in silence.

---End of Article---

Is it essential for a practitioner to attempt to make note of his experience?

Master, Method, Mission(Goal), Means, Mane (type), and Measure are needed to establish the efficacy of Master, Method, Theory, Philosophy and Science and its results on one and all, and it is possible only when a practitioner practices under the guidance of his Master as per the method and learn the Theory, Philosophy and its scientific aspects and allowing his Master to bring out that results which His Master set and established by bringing a system of practice for the good of mankind, and record it.

True Master who is True Master in True sense and Human- The first essential.

Perfect Method is the Method of Practice which brings out the same results all the time, at all places as per The Masters Layout.

Mission is the Mission which is Essential for Human to call Human as per the acceptance of Universal in nature.

Mane of a sincere and serious seeker is essential to establish the efficacy of the system.

Means are prayer, surrender, obedience to follow the directions of Master, Method intelligently as set by Master. Sound Mind and Body are essential for the pursuit.

Theory is the explanation of The Master about the subject matter of Man and his existence from the beginning and now and to The End.

Philosophy is the expression of the practice experiences of a sincere and serious seeker on the path of The Master.

Scientific aspect of the practice as this practice is of RajaYoga which is a

scientifically explained in the anatomy, of the anatomy of practitioner, its effects on Mind and Conscious.

The Bodily effect of this practice on Vital Parts of body such as Heart, Brain, Central Nervous System, Motor Nervous System, Lungs, Intestines, Pancreases, Kidneys and Liver and on Bony structure and Palate and its dependent parts called Eyes, Nose, Intestines and discharge systems as well skin.

The Effect on Mind which is having different states of existence and stages and its conduct, Chitta, Buddhi, and Manas. The abilities of Mind which are capacity of probe, analysis, interpretation and thinking and decision making and making the body and its existence to surge ahead with a unifying principle beneath its base (of mind)

Conscious has four stages one is consciousness and another is subconscious, another is unconscious and another is super conscious. Effects of practices upon all the states and stages of Consciousness.

Apart from above mentioned effects on Human existence The Master further explained the Mystic experiences called Visions, States and Stages and its effects upon the practitioner.

It is imperative on the part of a serious seeker to observe and record all his experiences during his tenureship of pupil under the guidance of His Master and submit it to the Master for his final conclusion.

---End of Article---

The Essence

By sheer courage an attempt is made by a novice to try to understand the essence of the Great Personalities to Bless the mother earth with their physical presence.With humble state and prayer full state, whatever the way this being understood the great states called prayer and humble, I am placing this self at the lotus feet of Him and am continuing efforts only to illuminate this novice beings state.

This country’s source of existence and continue to exists is with that spirit which took the form of God in this country, from timeless times.Everything and anything originates here from that same spirit and sustains from the same spirit and ends in that same spirit called God, Hence it became God’s own country.

Every nook and corner of this country and in all cross sections of society we can see the acceptance for the worship and the general populace accepting the divinity in all forms of physical existence.Every thing is from god, everything is of god, and everything is in god.

This is evident even to the naked eye-vibrantly visible.

For the intellectuals it’s a everlasting puzzle to see that this civilization continuity.

For the learned ones it is due to illiteracy of the general populace but they conveneiently overlooked the fact that how,who taught and gave this faith and conviction in the existence of god and how being an illiterate he able to have such firm faith and wisdom.

For the mystics this very land is sacred, this very water is sacred, this very air is sacred and the populace is gods and goddesses and to get a chance to take birth in this sancred land is a boon granted and to get liberation is possible only possible for the ones who gets birth on this sancred land.

How did this civilization sustained all the slaughtering of all types of invaders and absorbing all religions inits fold still maintaing its distinct entity.

That type of race which is highly mature in mind and mane and had developed sufficient insight,wisdom, and orientation to the matters of divine and ready for learning and open for correction and willingness to suffer rather seeking suffering and misery inorder to liberate one and all is only fit for or can be the place for the Yuga Purusha’s to descend from Above. As they come with specific purpose and The Essence to distribute and spread to all which is nothing but fine tuning of that times existing methods of practices and stabilizing the basic tenents of Society and fixing and strenthening the hierarchy of matters and men with proper cohesion.

---End of Article---

Origin of ways of worship An unorthodox outlook

The thought of worship in human originated from the power of thinking which is existed in him and made him as different existence and be named as man/human in the Natures manifestation.

---End of Article---

An Urge is surging in my heart

An Urge is surging in my heart to complete something and put an end to something and it is becoming unbearable as it is not given any clue where from it is originating and and it is seeking fulfillment, what is this fulfillment , why this feeling for this fulfillment .

---End of Article---

How did the thought has got that potency within it?

How the thought did has got that potency within it? Need to seek further guidance from Him, who is The Knower.

The origin of thought it appears can be traced only when we find the path through which it has descended, from which it has descended and manifested as thought in human.

And a frame called the human body was created by that Supreme Existence appropriate tool for ‘thought’ application, activation, generation and manifestation of need results, as well the ‘thought’ permanent dwelling

What is this mind? How this word is used in the Human context and called Human mind? This word is used to draw a line to demarcate between human and his identity of his species from the rest of species of manifestation of on land, air, water and the rest animate existence.

Human is Human if he has and exhibits this character only then he is called Human. It is the only distinctive identity to identify human as human.

What is its primary identity? How it expresses to call itself as Human mind?

Thought is its primary identity, utilizing the thought through the process of thinking is the way it expresses.

What is this thought? It is some sort of potency which is present in Human and available for its application in the Endeavour of human existence. It is a sort of very very superior atomic energy which calls for harnessing, which has no equal potential energy to match existent in the whole manifestation.

Application of thought and its results are vibrantly visible in shaping the mankind to the present state. With this force at his command he harnessed the forces of nature apart from harnessing the animate and inanimate existence including his own species to his expectations. It appears this potency is in its full level present only in human and it became so exclusive of his possession. No other existence can dare to attempt to claim it.

Such a power or potency or energy presence itself demands for harnessing and Master control nay it be used for self destructive purposes apart from destruction of whole manifestation.

Its medium is mind and it works through this medium to bring the results within human and in the physical world. There is no existence existing which can not be affected with this energy through this. This substance has all the forces of creation, sustenance and destruction.

---End of Article---

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