Master, Mahatma Ram Chandraji Maharaj Says:

"While Welcoming the Mankind for the Spirituality and for practical experiences"

He declares -

"The end of Religion is the

beginning of Spirituality.

The end of Spirituality is the

beginning of Reality.

The end of Reality is the

Real Bliss.

When that too is gone

We have reached the

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Views about Master, Method, Meditation Part - 5



11.A Drape



Unassumingness is his way of expression and that is his body language. This is the nature which used to attract everyone whoever came into contact with Him, though He never explicitly expressed about it, but everyone realized that it is His nature. Such was the extent that unassuming nature defined in Him, and that defined nature started giving definition by way of his conduct rather His conduct is definition, which is the source of definition, of Unassumingness.

What it has in it? It is the result of something, not entirely born independently and existed and continues to exist all along of His Living on this mother earth and persists to exist thereafter in the form of wonder of His existence and they…….., yet to come to terms with that state of grasping and to that level of understanding of no existence of that existence, in physical form, but still that wonder continues to exist after it appears to be lost.

What is it that something Existing?

That Unassumingness – Him

Pendulum is the Dear One of His Master who relentlessly moves without the awareness of its existence and purpose but for the purpose of His Master, that result is the Unassumingness of Our Dear One.

This is the Instrument with which The Great Master set the motion of time, momentum and orientation and direction for the purpose to achieve for which The Great Master came in to existence.

That momentum of this Dear One, That Great Master, sets the process of practice in motion towards infinity.

That momentum of this Dear One is on and on giving momentum in the infinity not towards the infinity which is the experience of every sincere seeker of The Great Master.
That momentum of this Dear One sets the hearts, tunes the minds, corrects the course, and makes the path smooth of His Dear Ones.
Those Dear Ones of Him are His Devotees who are Gods and Goddess for Him, whom He Worshiped, Prayed, Pleaded, and sought their blessings when they visit Him. They are larger than their life size portraits for Him , again it was that Unassumingness with which He conducted. It was an Honour for Him if some Devotee makes a visit to His Place and accepts His Services, for which He stood in reverence waiting, silently, as if a Sacred and a Noble Lord visiting Him, on His Pleading Request, still maintaining His Unassumingness never allowing a faint idea to crop up in the minds of those Dignitaries who graced Him with Their presence, though it is their duty in reality rather than Him.
See That Great Master’s Grace that He Chosen and made a Human Like this to pass through this ordeal all along of that Human Physical Living and continue the same after He left this mortal frame, still waiting for His Devotees to turn to His Master and to their Sacred Duties. Still He remained in that same Unassumingness lost in it. Forgive me My Lord, Forgive Me.


Suddenly, all of a sudden and unexpectedly The Drape Drawn Down, at The Dawn., but the Sun was set, instead of His first rays.

The Dusk was intense , nay ,cruel engulfing every depending heart, robbing of its light, which is its sustenance.

The one who’s Drape is That Simplicity taken care of it in such a way and preserved it, and that it was kept for the posterity, in the memories’ cup boards of His Dear Ones Hearts, but none know its presence and to present and wear it. Any how The Mother Nature has taken into Her Womb that precious Child back after allowing it to nourish Her Weak and Fragile Body for the times immemorial. Animate and Inanimate objects of Nature’s Manifestation bears the stamp and signature of Her Child all along the Time Span of That Child, in The Space of That Child of Her, innumerable Hearts lit and fed and charged entire atmosphere, all the planes and dimensions were cleaned and charged with such Divinity to last and shape the future men and civilization which comes up and build upon The Pure Divine, spirituality as its foundation.

The One with The Drape left the Drape on the physical time numbering as 10-4-2006 at Dawn, to join His Beloved as if His Beloved was living in farthest distance, when That Beloved One is Only His Existence.

Behind That Drape, for every ones astonishment and dismay, Only His Beloved was there and nothing left, rather That Beloved Wearing This Drape.

The Colour of The Drape with which it was dyed is Love, Soothing the maimed hearts, glowing with the Light of Enlightenment thereby dispelling the clouds of darkness and radiating Mercy and Compassion thereby removing the oppression from oppressed minds and hearts and kindling them with Hope, The Intricate Designs are means and methods for the emancipation and evolution of mankind, charging in the process those hearts and minds with devotion, knowledge and intelligence suitable to that individual, Patterns mesmerizing in nature in the form of his conduct and etiquettes are such That it matches to every taste and liking of mankind, suitable to all weather conditions all over the world and the worlds thereafter, and its size is That It Could Drape That Beloved Of Him – The Ultimate In Human Form “Ramchandra.”

This Drape of Simplicity, The Natures Prodigy, named as Raghavendra Rao could bring down such results by way of transformation which are permanent in nature and can never last that light and becomes exclusive to his own self in a giff, with the kind grace of His Beloved one, for whom He became Drape.
---End of Article---


During the evolution of mankind all along the times number of chosen sons and daughters are emerged to shape the destiny of the general masses. This untiring process of evolution is on from time immemorial and is evident to one and all and found this process profoundly visible too. The very 5 primal elements which are the source of this gigantic activity have continued to provide the needed material for bringing that manifestation of that great sons and daughters in various fields and walks of life of mankind to shape that very process and add new elements and life to that very elements.

This mankind has witnessed the great divine beings called avataras, the chosen sons, and chosen ones, lords, bhagavans and great teachers along with innumerable divine beings.

They all attempted to help the general masses during their life times to have the awareness of god or the great divine and to achieve in their pursuit of realization of that self.

But only once The Master came to existence into this world with physical body and He is called by the name of Babu Ramchandra of Shahjahanpur, U.P., India., He revealed the mysteries of god realization/self realization completely and simplified the process of the same by giving a method called Sahajmarg and perfected to suit the present day mankind and to the coming new generation whose foundation will be laid on pure spirituality and purity. He became the soul of that very method and gave his Prana Eternal as Pranahuthi to one and all who seeks his help with a simple prayer which is a mere submission of facts of his slavery to the wishes and bundle and bunch of complexities along with dark minds and hearts which have taken shape of solidities and diseases leading to complete helplessness and weakness to get out of this vicious network of his own creation. The divine spark in the heart blinks time and again to remind the man to seek his lost form which is pure divine and natural self compounding the misery of that oppressed self called human being.

This led to search of fulfillment and resulted in innumerable methods and men called Divine and again the individual self lost in the forest of wilderness of godly methods.
Further misery added to the already miserable self and led him to perfect confusion from which there is no chance for him to come out and thereby he completed the journey of his self on the path of god realiation/self realization.
When the darkness completely filled all layers and perfected its grip on the minds and hearts of the people and resulted into selfishness to the core and allowed the rest of evils to be born and breed and to grow in innumerable forms and means to destroy the very creation of Him ,then The Master presented Himself to the crying mankind and gave the method and His Prana Eternal as Pranahuthi and He Himself subscribed to the method by becoming soul of this method called Sahajmarg. All those sincere seekers of this method are living proof of this marvel which transformed them to recipient of divine impulses and grace during their day to day life by merely following the guidelines of The Master. This is made possible by The Master as the individual self has become the seeker/disciple on the path of self realization.

Here came a great seeker/disciple in human form called Raghvendra Rao of Raichur who met This Great Master on 22 Oct, 1955 at Shahjahanpur at the residence of The Master. The very first meeting turned out to be ‘Love at First Sight’ and The Seeker Self has become or transformed by The Great Master as Master Himself.

This noble self called Raghavendra Rao remained as a sincere seeker and disciple of that Great Master till his last breath of his life and continues to remain so even in the brighter world along with his Great Master. Such is the nobility of that great self who remained as a sincere seeker and disciple to His Master and declared to one and all that this is the only surest means of becoming a true being and this is only goal to be pursued.

This great phenomena is evident during the long years of his living on this mother earth in the form of his conduct, teachings, writings, and living. His heart flows to those down -trodden instantly when he gets even the scent of the misery of the miserable-self irrespective of caste ,creed and sex or geographical distance. He is ever-ready to extend his helping hand to the needy those who come to him seeking for it or even not seeking for it. His noble self is always vigilant and observant of his dear ones, that is, mankind’s needs and necessities and relentlessly working to shape their destiny.

He became the personification of the method and process and essence of practice and proved the efficacy of the method and Master.

He revolutionized the concept of Goal, Path, Practice and Method and The Master by dissolving His Self into The Self of Master and thereafter remaining as disciple till his last breath. By living such a living He gave a new definition to the life and living in the remembrance of His Great Master.

This way of his living resulted into becoming personification of love, infinite compassion ,humble servant of mankind and to His Master, and gave the teaching of service irrespective of the hardships He passed through and gave further teaching of rest not till your goal is achieved by resolving firmly and strengthening it with constant remembrance of divine and living with divine and He remained within the boundary of Human all along his living physically. That very physical body was the existence of the state of Truth, vibration of Truth, movement of that Physical body is expression of Truth and utterances from His Vocal cards are the great revelation of The Truth. His every action and reaction is the resultant effect of that Ultimate Self Vibration expression in Human form because He took into consideration the finiteness of human existence and helplessness of its existence. This way He made us to realize the importance of the prayer in totality , Oh! Master thou art the real goal of human life, we are yet but slaves of wishes, putting bar to advancement, thou art the only god and power to bring me upto that stage.

He expressed by his living the very state of Prayer feeling and experiencing the continuous existence of His Master. He realized that truth that His Master is only Existence and Permanent which experience pervaded throughout His living. This way of His living has Charged automatically the entire existence and the same felt by one and all, felt in the time, beyond time, in the space, beyond space, effecting the animate and inanimate objectives. This Power of Faith which He has in His Master transformed innumerable people and he gave that faith as food for one and all to live with.

This way of living of Him resulted into patiently heeding and listening to the cries, moans, howlings and groans of mankind and seeing, observing the writhing and pangs of miserable human states. Those states of mankind seized to exist the very moment they put before Him, giving a doubt to the intelligent guys, pandits, whether is there any form of existence He has? If so what it is? How It Is? It is The Ultimate Self of His Master in its Pure Divine Existence.
Here He gave the lesson to the mankind that The Master is One and Only One .
Here He lived as a Perfect and Complete Disciple to The Master.
Now the Goal of Life transformed into State of the Seeker/Disciple.
The path way is Service and conduct of life as Seeker/Disciple.
The method of Practice is experiencing the Divine and Constantly remembering Him.
The Truth, The Goal, The Path, The Method, which He taught through his living made him as a True Teacher though His Master made His Self as Him but he lived and continues to live as a sincere Seeker/Disciple.

---End of Article---


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