Master, Mahatma Ram Chandraji Maharaj Says:

"While Welcoming the Mankind for the Spirituality and for practical experiences"

He declares -

"The end of Religion is the

beginning of Spirituality.

The end of Spirituality is the

beginning of Reality.

The end of Reality is the

Real Bliss.

When that too is gone

We have reached the

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Views about Master, Method, Meditation Part - 10


25. The need of the hour

26. A loving invitation from the beloved father

The need of the Hour


How to mould my being to the expectation of My Master that is the need of the Hour

Is there anything sacred and nobler deed than this? Is it not sacred and nobler, God helps those who help themselves.

Then why the delay? For what? Are you still waiting for someone to come? Are you not satisfied ? Is your eternal waiting not satiated with the Advent of The Great Master? Is your Endless Search Not Ended? Is that probing mind of you not yet completed the probe? When shall we put an end to all these elementary queries?

Compare with Comparable, Analyse with Analyzable, interpret with interpretable, set right first that objective, to do that you need to mould your self first.

Sacred is this being which has been created by the Sacred One, nobler is this being which indulge in the acts of nobility of Remembrance.

Oh! Noble Thou is the Form of Nobility, with which you gave in a platter that noble act to this novice of remembrance.

Oh! Sacred Thy Sacredness is the Source of Sustenance to Thy Creation.

The dole of grace which put in this bowl doesn’t fill it, as this bowl was crafted to hold and hoard the pecuniary gain only not a grain of grace.

Such is me Oh! My Lord, What You Can Do? See the ability of thy Creation?

Thy Will Only Shall prevail Either Mend or End it. I am What I am before You.

---End of Article---

A Loving Invitation from the Beloved Father

A Loving Invitation from the Beloved Father, Again and Again The Same Invitation with the love filled Heart Calls to come back Home, An Invitation with Pangs of Separation, which is never heard by the dear child of Him, and still The Beloved Father, keep waiting some day or other His Dear Child will return Home, which His Dear Child Left due to Irony of Fate, and thereafter The Dear Child is drifted further and further away to the farthest distance, feeble and feeble the Voice of The Beloved Father’s and reached such a distance, from that distance neither the Home is visible nor The Beloved Father’s Loving Voice can be heard and Presence can be Felt.

The Individuality Completed to its full level and an Individual Born and Individual Entity Existence came into Existence.

But The Beloved Father still waiting, still having the same love, still anticipating of return of his dear child home, that eternal waiting is on.

Why this audacious attitude on the part of the child, what is that The Noble Father is seeking other than asking the child to return to His Own Home.

The Conviction of the Child is that wherever he is present now that is His Home and he is perfectly happy with it and he can not entertain any thought that other than this body and this world further nothing is existing and he is nothing but his body and he is satiating all the needs, desires, fantasies, of his own self and of the self of his near and dear ones, in the form of Family, who are really and truly gods and goddesses for him. If at all any god is existing, then it is his body, which is the first god, because it gives him pleasure and work for him, work for the family and grow and he nourishes, he grooms it, he message it and with the help of the body further the body produces his little selfs, which are projection of his own self projected into the future.

With this way an individual completed the Solidification Process of The Self in the form of Body and last the Self completely within the body and reached a distance from where there is no chance of return and can be called the distance of No Return.

But The Beloved is not ready to loose the child of Him, then, The Nature comes into Play, seeing the dirt accumulated on the Child of Him, a small Jerk or Shock or moment is administered, this is the way Nature Brings Around the Lost Child to the senses, the child comes to the sense at once and sought the help of the unknown in his pursuit to come out of the mesh. Even then The Beloved Father is so happy and lovingly agreed to remove the mesh and straighten up the bended matters, which are actually the child making, and The Beloved Father never mentions it, so as not to hurt the dear child of him, and makes the path of the child smooth.

The Beloved Father never rests though He lovingly allows His Dear Child to rest, and it is a great fortune to have such a Beloved Father, who is always at our service and available at the peck and call of us, I, not having an iota of responsibility and duty towards my own self and I can happily live forever as I the son of My Beloved Father.

-End of Article-


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