Views about Master, Method, Meditation (Part 14)
42. Beloved Father When I sought to resolve When I sought to resolve my personal and private need of evolving, whatever the way I understood about that word, without asking me about what does it mean, my Trainer accepted to train me and on the request of my Trainer, The Master too accepted my candidature. The needed qualification is “my Willingness” to undergo the Training, under the stewardship of my immediate Trainer and under the guidelines of The Method, prescribed by The Master and I became eligible to receive the Master’s Prana Eternal in the form of Transmission, Prnasya Pranaha, and The Master Himself, because He is the Soul of The Method. My Trainer briefed me about the Method, and asked me to follow and practice the method. Step One-Meditation for 45 mts in the early morning, before sun rise, sitting in the same posture and place. Step Two-Cleaning for about 45 mts in the evening after sun set sitting in an easy and same posture and place. Step Three-Bed Time Prayer, before going to sleep for about 15 mts and in the prayer state to go to sleep so as to convert and utilize the time for being with the Divine. Step Four-During the wakeful state of the day or night to experience the Prajna of Divine and have the remembrance of the Divine. Prerequisites of any learning for any gentleman, that is me, is that his awareness of what he is going to do, how he is going to do, why he is doing, that to when it is too personal and private of his need, it is certainly certain of his knowing thoroughly about what he is going to do about the fulfillment of his personal and private need. To do this a gentleman and a civilian who has the civility, that is me, is supposed to had the clarity of the methods to be practiced, and he is completely and thoroughly gone through the literature, understood the same, decided to follow, having the confidence of following the method diligently, and intelligently as prescribed, had the self confidence in him and in his learning and understanding capabilities, trust in himself that he is going in a right path, faith in himself that he can take a right decision and his need is certain and clear to him, and further faith in himself of achieving the goal, and had and has the sincerity to follow the method once undertaken, for his need fulfillment not that he is doing any favour to anyone, and that too he is giving a trial for the method at the cost of the immediate Trainer and The Master of their time and effort and freely accepting the PranaEternal. With the trust in me, and in my capabilities, in my powers of understanding, and faith in me of myself, of my intelligence, of my learning capacities, my faith with which I can go ahead if any task undertaken for myself, confidence in judging the people, confidence that I can not be misled, faith in my honesty, faith in my hard work, faith in my approach with sincerity and sanity of my undertaking the method for the practice of my own evolution. Without asking me about above stated things, My Immediate Trainer and My Master accepted me to Train me under the Method. They Were not in need of my faith, They were not in need of confidence, They were not in need of my intelligence, They were not in need of my capacities, They were not in need of my powers, They were not in need of my time for their sake, They were not in need of my prana, They were not in need of my gentlemanliness, They were not in need of civility, They were not in need of any favor, They were not in need of any monetary gain, They were not in need of my time, Their method is for the mankind, but definitely the method not asked me to adopt. With my free will and choice in order to help my self I sought the help of the method, I sought the help of my Trainer, I sought the help of The Master, in order to enrich my Prana, Prajna, Chaithanyatha, Ojus, which are need for me, I sought, The Prana Eternal of The Master, Transmission, Pranasya Pranaha. This Critical Analysis has become a need for me as most of the time I am in the state of wavering mind and uncertain view, unclear of the objective, for what I am doing, why I am doing, for who’s sake I am doing the practice and actually who is doing a favour and who is sparing the time, who is giving his life force, who is taking the pain, who is teaching, why they are teaching, who’s benefit they are teaching, the self analysis is going on and on and making me to realize where I am, and what I am, why I am, it appears it is disgusting to further analyze my own state, unfortunate that I call myself as a gentlemen, and a civil in nature. When I state this, by way of Prayer to The Master in absentia, in silence, and in private, and not having the capacity to place before my Trainer, to my surprise My Trainer and The Master both accepted and never raised a query about all this, lovingly they remain as they were. A Method, A Practice, A Trainer, The Master, for my own upliftment, their time, their energies, their powers, their capacities, their life, their prana, their expertise, their abilities, and every thing of them I am entitled, as I am their goal and their purpose but to my surprise and astonishment they accepted like wise, giving me shell shock of my life. The Great God Only to Help Them. Incorrigible they are, and beyond any limits to effect corrections, no hope and no chance. Helpless I am, to offer any help, so let me do the prayer at least, and let me say my self Amen. ---End of Article--- To see the marvels in any walk of life (“SATYAM, SIVAM AND SUNDARAM”) To see the marvels in any walk of life, To reach the Pinnacle in any Form of Knowledge, To Achieve the state of Parexcellance in any pursuit, To Climb the Heights of No Measure, usually it is the Deep Desire of any Human being, though not expressed openly, and secretly and privately he is convinced to himself that he is certainly a right candidature for such reach and he possess all the needed prerequisites to reach to such heights. Further I observed carefully my self I do sail in the same boat as everyone do. I further entertains an abstract thought I am a perfect one, I am eternal, rest every one perishes one day or other, though I might have seen the deaths of my near and dear ones, that way I present to the world also, I deeply convinced to myself that I am truthful, how so ever I practice other side of truth, extending the same thought further I further realizes and lives in a feeling that I am peaceful, still funny that I entertain and realize that I am beautiful, how so ever ugly I may be. Rest is Unreal I am only Real. How such feelings so commonly experienced thought not discussed or expressed? Who taught them ? When all of them learned the same lessons together ? Who is prompting in them such thoughts and feelings ? Is there any medium or agency which is working behind screen? Is any one of us getting any idea how all these thoughts we are entertaining and this leading to experiencing of the same, and this experience is leading to imperience? Probably you and me may not find any suitable answer , no one can convincingly explain taking us seriously of our feelings, subtly intricately expressed state of us, due to non availability of this subject matter in Normal Sciences, if you and me try to seek guidance from Science called psychology. The present psychology expression about the above subject matters are concerned is that as long as it is not harming other members of society and if it is to your private self and your private self while presenting in the normal society does not become abnormal, till that time it is no problem for that facet of science. But I did not get convinced with that explanation of that form of science. Then I turned to the faculty of philosophy in the University Curriculum and sought an explanation. The Basic Precincts of Philosophy is that my living is not limited to the physical living and my life infact is existence and I live in different planes, dimensions, levels and states and stages also. Endless are the explanations, endless are the texts, endless are the views, perhaps it may not be possible for me to read all those texts within one life span and finally to understand those texts first and thereafter to compare my feelings to match the explanations. How to crack this jinx? How to protect myself from further confusion? A state prevailed now, one side I have to satisfy myself as I am a thinker, another side endless treatise, this lead me to a conviction that I should test those thoughts and feelings by somehow practicing some method, means I concluded it is better to practice first in order to understand with my personal experience and to see the strength of them and the method, than reading and writing, because those thoughts and feelings are true and I am sincere about their presence and continuous occurrence. Then this thought led me to reexamine my thoughts and feelings, they are as follows. I am Truthful------I am Peaceful------I am Beautiful------I am Perfect------I am all Knower-----I am Powerful------I am Eternal-------I can do Every thing and Anything-----I am Real. Truly when I examined the above statements it is Partly Truth, Partly Negative but those feelings are real and thoughts are real, so some missing link? What is that missing link? A certain of a fact that it is embedded in me and perhaps it is suggesting that I am part of something very big and huge as well eternal. This feeling further added to my misery that I am one with something and am separated in a abstract way this feeling experienced by me. Gradually my helplessness is increasing and making me restless more and more. The Faith, The Conviction, The Determination, The Confidence, The Search, are born, which are prerequisites for the Practice due to this process of restlessness, which seized me, and a faint thought crossing my mind that something is guiding and someone is aware of all these turmoils in me. But yet the Dawn to take place, this feeling culminates into waiting intensely and thereby a form of sincerity sprang up in my heart, not knowing how to express those feelings impatiently waiting continued, then the lady luck favoured me and smiled at me, this converted the event in real that, The Great Master, Mahtama, Sending Silently Divine Impulses into the Cosmos so as to reach the sincere seeker and He lovingly Manifest the needed atmosphere congenial for the sincere seeker to reach Him, in order to experience the Effects of Practice thereby realizing himself as, “SATYAM, SIVAM AND SUNDARAM” Further The Mahatma Sown the Divine Seed and gave His Prana and Associated him with The Perfect-The Divine, and This Knowledge been given and his thought power has been enriched and made him to realize that this divinity is thy self and you are Eternal and fully realized that Divinity you can do everything and any thing and you are as Real as Brahman nay you are Brahman. Gradually my unreal, ungodly, unnatural, unwanted, self centered self giving way for the real and am getting rid of those through the process of Cleaning and I am placing these state before Him in the form of Prayer at bed time and Mahatma Converted that animal sleep of me as Samadhi thereby covering the loss and lapse of my time, and The Mahatma further gave the imperience of The Divine and established my link with it and gave that Prajna of Divine during my wakeful state of activity, resulting into moderation and balance in my life and existence. ---End of Article--- Beloved Father Beloved Father do I need to place before you the state of my life, is it not crossing the limits of civility and sanity, as if You don’t know about it, if I don’t do it is it not amount to indiscipline that a child failed to place the facts before his Beloved Father, what am I to do under the circumstances and how am I to conduct? What exactly am supposed to do under the circumstances? Please show me the path, throw the needed light upon, lead me as ever, I am confused, unable to interpret, unable to understand, you are the guide, you are the light, you are the life, you are the path, you are the goal, then where is this I and why is this misery, please release me from this misery, if not please mend, if not needed this life, please end. Strange to my experience that any where and everywhere, you give the relief, to those who ever you make them to come into contact of me, and make the place proper and fit for them, still you make them to conduct with me as if they are blessing me, actually they received the blessings from you, and still making me to feel that I am only wrong and they are only right. How to interpret all these, is there any need to interpret or not, if I don’t, how I should go about with all these circumstances prevailing like the way, they are prevailing, around me. Like the misery, like the life, and like the way of life, lo look not that, lo look at That, Mind is revitted, roaming around the same, like misery, roam and again roam again and again roam and continue to roam, for what not known, why for not known, nay that may be the form of life, as I was released from the misery, but the misery around me yet to release me, thence this misery. Say not a Say so as not to Say, do not say a say so as do to say, feel not a say so as not to feel to say feel, need not to say, so as not to say, to say to misery not to say. Smile to Say, Smile my dear, Smile my dear, and again Smile my dear, so to say Smile again, as this way is the life for to live, so make the misery as the companion, live and continue to live, as long as you can live, live full and live complete, to make the life of misery miserable. This is the penance my child said My Beloved Father, this is the way for you to live so as to absorbs the misery in totality, because you can not explain why you feel the misery, why you continue to feel the misery, why first of all this misery present in you, when in reality you have no misery what so ever when I am there with you, nay it is me who is guiding you to pass through this tunnel of misery, it is essential, I need to strengthen you my child. Do not get disheartened my child, rest are passing clouds My Heart is yet to come to terms with these expressions, but that is the Truth. Complete Helplessness, my being is the form of misery and that state prevailed intoto, what left for me now other than to say the Prayer, Oh! Master Thou Art the Real Goal of Human Life, We are yet but slaves of wishes putting bar to our Advancement, Thou Art the Only God and Power to bring me up to that Stage. Amen. - End of Article -
40. When I sought to resolve
41. See the marvels in any walk of life ("Satyam Shivam Sundharam")
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